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“Meditation is not work, it is a play… Meditation is not something to be done to achieve some goal – peace, bliss – but something to be enjoyed as an end in itself.

The festive dimension is the most important thing to be understood – and we have lost it totally. By festive, I mean the capacity to enjoy moment to moment all that comes to you.
“Meditation has a few essential things in it, whatever the method, but those few essentials are necessary in every method. The first is a relaxed state: no fight with the mind, no control of the mind, no concentration. Second, just watching with a relaxed awareness whatever is going on, without any interference – just watching the mind, silently, without any judgment, any evaluation. These are the three things: relaxation, watching, no judgment.”

“A meditator needs no personal guidance. A meditator, on the contrary, needs only one thing: the atmosphere of meditation. He needs other meditators; he needs to be surrounded by other meditators. Because whatever goes on happening within us is not only within us, it affects people who are close by. In this communion people are at different stages of meditation. To meditate with these people, just to sit silently with these people, and you will be pulled more and more towards your own intrinsic potentiality.”

“Life is a miracle. If you have not known its mystery, that only shows that you do not know the technique for how to approach it.”


During the class we will explore meditations techniques from “The Book of Secrets” which will help us to be meditative in every activity of our lives.


Class Schedule


  • Stress Management
  • Vitality
  • Playfulness
  • Celebration
  • 112 techniques of meditation

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qualified instructors

Andrea Renard

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Filip Flekks

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Siobhan Minka

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30 October 2019
8:00 - 17:00
Event Category:


Avada Spa
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Avada Yoga
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