Be generous with yourself

Why should I join a retreat?

The retreat will create all conditions for body & mind nourishement: cozy accommodation, healthy food, tranquil environment, scientific meditation methods, playfulness. Just participate with totality for your inner growth and wellbeing.

3 Days Retreat

  • OSHO Active Meditations
  • Return to Innocence Consciously Program
  • Yogic Food and The Art of Mindful Cooking Program
  • Introduction to Yoga Nidra Program
  • Hatha Yoga – Jala Neti – Cleansing Nasal Passage

7 Days Retreat

  • OSHO Active Meditations
  • Return to Innocence Consciously Program
  • Dance, Joy, Laughter, and Celebration Program
  • Yogic Food and The Art of Mindful Cooking Program
  • Introduction to Yoga Nidra Class
  • Hatha Yoga – Shatkarma – Self-Spa Service
  • Hatha Yoga – Pawanmuktasana Series