Return to Innocence Consciously

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OSHO is a registered trademark of OSHO International Foundation, used with permission
Yoga & OSHO Active Meditation – Comprehensive approach towards existential human crisis.

There is a scientific psychology research book “Reinventing your life” by Jeffrey E Young Ph.D. and Janet S Klosko Ph.D. where were identified and described very minutely 11 life traps (behavior patterns) that are driving our lives unconsciously towards emotional reactions which create great suffering for ourselves and those around us. They are deep in unconsciousness. One has to sincerely answer some questions and the type of mental conditioning will be revealed. (free questionnaire – contact us). There is also a great Osho’s exercise: Write on a paper(or record on your mobile phone) your spontaneous thinking process for 10 minutes.No edit.No delete.Just as it is. Read/listen to what you have written/recorded. Observe how the mind is jumping from one idea to another through associations with no logic at all. You will be surprised to repeat the exercise on different days. How is it possible to reach the same conclusions? This mind is behind all our actions and is driving all our life. Now what? Maybe we will be interested to search to find a solution because all intelligence is clouded by an uninterrupted thinking process without the light of

The program is a challenge and has the purpose of deconditioning the mind and so we can regain/rediscover our childhood innocence and intelligence.

In a playful way, we will learn how to be alive, natural, joyous at this very moment.
The core of the program – OSHO ACTIVE MEDITATIONS: OSHO Dynamic Meditation, OSHO Kundalini Meditation, OSHO Nataraj Meditation, OSHO Nadabrahma Meditation, OSHO Laughter Meditation, OSHO Devavani Meditation, OSHO Evening Meeting Meditation, OSHO Gibberish Meditation.
Why should I join a program? Each program is designed to create a certain space and atmosphere which is necessary for anybody to become receptive, open to learning and the fee will create commitment.

Deconditioning the mind -3 days (OSHO Dynamic Meditation; OSHO Kundalini Meditation; OSHO Gibberish Meditation, OSHO Devavani Meditation) Enjoy & Celebrate life – 3 days (OSHO Nataraj Meditation; OSHO Laughter
Meditation; OSHO Nadabrahma Meditation; OSHO Evening Meeting Meditation).

More details about “ Why Active Meditations?” in the blog.

Class Schedule

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  • Light Breathing Exercises
  • Meditation Introduction
  • Correct Stretching Methods
  • Basic Poses
  • Mantras

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qualified instructors

Andrea Renard

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Filip Flekks

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Siobhan Minka

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29 July 2020
8:00 - 17:00
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