Yoga Nidra – The Art of Relaxation

Why should I join a Yoga Nidra Program?

Yoga Nidra is the most accessible type of yoga. It is a simple yet profound technique adapted by Swami Satyananda Saraswati from the traditional tantric practice of Nyasa.

This systematic method of inducing complete mental, emotional, and physical relaxation is suitable for all practitioners.

It is a practice in which, step by step, all the brain centers are consciously used to release tensions, fears, and re-establish a sensitive body and a calm state of mind.

You can practice Yoga Nidra just when you wake up in the morning, right before you go to sleep or during the day.The content of each practice is different.

Read more about the scientific investigations of Yoga Nidra on the blog.

Introduction to Yoga Nidra

Why Yoga Nidra?

The most important quality which helps us to enjoy life and live fully is relaxation.

The class contains two components:

1.Right start – we learn which are the proper conditions for maximum benefits of Yoga Nidra

  • How to set up ambiance, timing, clothes
  • Food & drinks
  • Best easy asanas or body movements
  • What to do not to fall asleep
  • How to choose “The resolve (Sankalpa)”

2. General beginner practice

Audio format support for self-practice (morning, evening) – lenght 25 min

Personalized practices

Why personalized class?

The instructions in Yoga Nidra should be given at a speed that keeps the mind moving fast, but allows it to understand and carry out each instruction as it is being provided. The pace will vary according to the stage of practice as well as the student’s state of mind.

Our life issues or goals are different, so we need a specific approach.

The class contains two components:

1. Identification of personal needs

After 21 days of self-practice learned in the introductory class, we are prepared to receive a guided Yoga Nidra practices tailored to personal needs (releasing specifics tensions, fears, addictions, etc.)

2.Tailoring practice

Audio format support for personalized self-practice (morning, evening) – lenght 45 min

Benefits of Yoga Nidra

  • Relaxation in daily life
  • Stress release
  • Self-healing
  • Rejuvenation
  • Treats insomnia
  • Enhancing memory
  • Increasing learning capacity
  • Clears up the subconscious mind
  • Leads to improved body awareness and senzorial organs sensitivity
  • Accesses superconsciousness

Supportive programs

Yogic Food and The Art of Mindful Cooking

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Hatha Yoga – The Alchemy of Energies

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Dance, Joy, Laughter, and Celebration

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