Return to Innocence Consciously

OSHO is a registered trademark of OSHO International Foundation, used with permission

Beyond psychology – OSHO Active Meditations

There is a scientific psychology research book “Reinventing your life” by Jeffrey E Young Ph.D. and Janet S Klosko, Ph.D. It identifies and described very minutely 11 life traps (behavior patterns) that drive our lives unconsciously towards emotional reactions, which create great suffering for ourselves and those around us.

They are old ingrained patterns in the bodymind that keep one imprisoned in the past. One has to answer some questions, to acknowledge the type of mental conditioning.

Also a great Osho’s exercise: Write on a paper(or record on your mobile phone) your spontaneous thinking process for ten minutes. No edit or delete. Just as it is, read/listen to what you have written/recorded. Observe how the mind is jumping from one idea to another through associations with no logic at all.

This mind is behind all our actions and is driving all our life. Now what? Maybe we will be interested in searching to find a solution because an uninterrupted thinking process clouds all intelligence without the light of awareness.

Do you want to break your life traps ?

Return to Innocence Consciously

The science behind the program

By joining the program we create a ground for transformation.

The program is a challenge with the purpose of learning tools to deconditionate the mind and nourishing the body. We can regain our childhood innocence and intelligence.

Playfully, we will experience how to be alive, natural, joyous at this very moment.

Instead of talking about our problems strengthening the identification(ego) with them, the meditation program approach changes bodymind energy through awareness.

The program contains three components:

1. Mind cleansing tehniques

  • OSHO Active Meditations
  • OSHO Dynamic Meditation
  • OSHO Kundalini Meditation
  • OSHO Gibberish Meditation
  • OSHO Heart Meditation
  • Hatha Yoga – Jala Neti and Vatkrama Kapalbhati
  • Patanjali’s Breathing Method

2. Nourishing the body

  • Hatha Yoga – Pawanmuktasana – Softest Asanas
  • Yogic Food – Breakfast – 100% Pozitive Pranic

3. Total body-mind relaxation

  • Yoga Nidra – Introduction to Yoga Nidra

Become Aware

Spend several minutes and discover how our minds interpret reality based on past experiences. Without awareness, human faculties such as creativity and imagination work against our wellbeing.

Yoga Retreats

Dive within yourself 3 or 7 days to bloom your uniqueness

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The time has come to take care of yourself

  • Serenity

  • Joy
  • Rejuvenation

Supportive yoga programs

Dance, Joy, Laughter, and Celebration

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Yoga Nidra - Explores Consciousness

Yoga Nidra – The Art of Relaxation

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Yogic Food and The Art of Mindful Cooking

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